Since we are not sponsored by anyone, a legal form must be sustainable for any business when going to market.
pH7x Systems® is a registered brand, founded and registered by Joao P.S.V.T. Livio, ENI.
A Sole Proprietorship is the simplest legal form for establishing a business. It is a type of business owned by a single individual, more suited for small businesses with low risk and reduced investment. In this type of business, the trade name should consist of the full or abbreviated civil name of the owner and may include an expression related to the activity performed. If the owner acquired the business through succession, they can add “successor of” or “heir of” to the name.
Single-Member Limited Liability Company is also constituted by a single member (individual or corporate entity), and the company’s name must include the word “Unipessoal” or the expression “Sociedade Unipessoal,” followed by “Limitada” or the corresponding abbreviation “Lda.”
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